Delivering zero waste for textiles

We take waste that no one wants

Our textile-to-board process turns end of life textiles into a valuable feedstock for the fibreboard industry. Boards produced using Fab Materials’ technology can be used for a wide variety of furniture, construction, display & design applications.

Reducing carbon emissions

92M tonnes of textile waste is created globally each year. 87% is incinerated or sent to landfill with resulting annual CO2e emissions of over 500 MTonnes. Our proprietary textile-to-board upcycling process offers the ability to eliminate the incineration of end of life textiles, with the capacity to convert 100% of the worlds textile waste into added value products.

Compatible with existing high volume processes

Our process has been aligned with current recycling supply chains and board manufacturing process flows eliminating the requirement for large capex investments and removing barriers to implementation.

Cutting wood demand

The waste textiles used in our process directly replace the virgin wood currently used in board manufacturing. Reducing de-forestation and turning waste into value.

Interested in reducing costs & eliminating waste